Tanzania International Flight Tips

If you are from the EU countries as well as the UK, Canada, the US and Australia, you will need a tourist visa to get into Tanzania. Simply head to the Tanzania Embassy website and get the application details.

From the time you get your tourist visa, it will be valid for 6 months. Even if you are the kind of person to plan ahead to make sure your trip goes according to plan, ensure that the visa will be valid for the duration you plan to stay.

For you to get the Visa you need to show that you don’t plan on staying in Tanzania anymore than 3 months. You can also obtain the visa from all the airports as well as the border crossings.

Immunizations and Health

You should consult the local travel clinic at home for detailed and accurate advice.

For travelers visiting Tanzania from Europe or the US, you don’t need to show any documentation of immunizations. However, if you are from a country that experiences incidences of yellow fever, then you will have to prove that you are indeed immunized.

Some of the vaccinations that you need to have when entering Tanzania include yellow fever, typhoid, Diphtheria, and Hepatitis A.  Don’t forget your tetanus, polio as well as rabies vaccinations.

Most areas in Africa are malaria prevalent and while some parts of Tanzania are free from the infection, there is a strain of the disease that is resistant to chloroquine. Make sure you get the right shots before travelling to Tanzania.


The flight that you will book depends on which area of Tanzania you ae planning to visit. If it’s the north then you will use the Kilimanjaro International Airport.

If on the other hand you want to reach Zanzibar, as well as the southern parts of the country, your best bet is flying into Dar es Salaam for the southern parts or even directly into Zanzibar. Both have international airport status.

Flightlink is one of the leading domestic airlines with well scheduled flights out of Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, and Arusha – the latter services international arrivals into Kilimanjaro who are heading for other parts of the country including Manyara, the Serengeti, the island of Zanzibar and of course Dar es Salaam..


One of the most striking things about Tanzanians is that they are a generally laid back and friendly people. However, there are hawkers who always try to sell you souvenirs and other items. To remain safe from thieves, keep copies of your passport, avoid wearing jewelry and also avoid travelling at night.

Also, avoid carrying too much camera equipment as well as having too much cash on you.