Having a first aid kit with you is essential if you’re traveling anywhere – even if it’s just in your own country! A first aid kit can tend to minor injuries and can make your trip go a lot smoother. Whether you’re going on a safari or a beach destination, a first aid kit is always necessary.
Keep reading to find out the basics of a professional first aid kit for travelers in 2020!
Things You’ll Need
- Alcohol swabs – they can be used to sterilize tweezers or minor wounds before the wound is dressed. Take about 20-30 alcohol swabs with you.
- Pyodine or any other iodine disinfectant – Povidone iodine solutions form great disinfectants, especially for larger wounds because they don’t sting like alcohol swabs do!
- Band-aids of various sizes – make sure you pack different sizes that can target different areas of the body.
- CPR mask – this helps you perform CPR on another person without an exchange of fluids to keep yourself safe from germs.
- Surgical tape – to hold gauze or any other dressing in place
- Sterilized gauze packets – these can be used to apply pressure on wounds, soak blood, act as a dressing and many others! Make sure you get them in many different sizes.
- Over-the-counter painkillers – ibuprofen or any other painkiller that works for you.
- Over-the-counter muscle relaxant – pick a tablet like Nuberol Forte that contains orphenadrine.
- Over-the-counter antibiotic ointment/gel – antibiotics should be applied to wounds to prevent infections
- Spray-on painkiller/anesthetic – a local anesthetic can temporarily relieve pain when resting isn’t an option!
- Anti-histamine tablets – diphenhydramine or loratadine can help with allergies to dust or insect bites.
- Anti-emetic tablets – dimenhydrinate works best for motion sickness. If you’re sensitive to motion sickness, take this as prophylaxis.
- Anti-diarrheal tablets – loperamide helps with diarrhea!
- A pair of tweezers – these can be used to remove splinters.
- A pair of scissors – useful to help cut gauze pieces and surgical tape.
- Hydrocortisone cream – helps with itching and discomfort after an insect bite. However, you should apply only a very small amount of this cream and don’t use it over large surfaces.
- Panadol – it can be used to relieve fever or pain!
- Inhaler/nasal decongestant – even if you don’t have any trouble breathing normally, you should always have an inhaler and a nasal decongestant with you.
- Hand sanitizer – to sterilize your hands if you need to apply a dressing to any wound.
- ORS packet – Oral rehydration solutions can help you rehydrate when you’ve lost a lot of fluids to diarrhea or vomiting.
- Surgical gloves – these can serve as ice packs too and are useful when dressing a wound.
Make sure the container you use to keep this first aid kit is sturdy and water-proof so that all of the items inside remain protected. That being said, be careful and try not to get in trouble! This is just a first aid kit and does not contain equipment needed to handle major emergencies or accidents. In that case, please call for help immediately. Make sure you know all the local numbers before going on a safari!
While you’re planning to travel, don’t forget to check out the Expert Guide on Selous Game Reserve.